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May 2, 2024

Simplicity Matters

Simplicity Matters

If you would have met me in 2017 then you would have known me as a videographer and video editor.  I breathed everything filmmaking.  After years of overcoming creative challenges and navigating the business side of filmmaking, I slowly started to discover the formula for success in video production. In the most recent podcast episode of Verified Phenoms we got to hear from full-time filmmaker Catara Lane, who is crafting simplicity to create virality.  


In the world of content creation, it's easy to get caught up in the complexities of flashy effects and intricate transitions. However, simplicity can be your greatest asset in crafting compelling videos that captivate audiences. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to master minimalist video editing.


  1. Focus on Storytelling

Start with the foundation which is a compelling story. Before diving into editing, make sure you have a clear narrative that guides your content. Whether it’s a documentary or a short video for social media, clarity in storytelling is crucial. This will naturally direct the editing process, making each cut purposeful and impactful.

Also, don’t forget the hook. The. Hook. Matters. Some examples of viral hooks are:

“How I doubled my client base in 30 days and how you can too!” 

“This simple hack will make your videos instantly more engaging.”

“Cut your video editing time in half with this one simple trick!”  


  1. Maintain a Steady Pace

Pacing is key to keeping your audience engaged. Maintain a rhythm that complements your narrative, with scenes that don’t drag or rush. Test your video's flow by watching the entire edit from start to finish to ensure consistency in pacing.


  1. Study, Test, and Tweak

Everyone learns from someone. Go seek out who else is making simplistic viral videos and figure out how you can apply those same concepts to yourself.  Mastering video editing with a minimalist approach is about focusing on what matters most: storytelling and clarity. By prioritizing these, you'll not only streamline your workflow but also create videos that leave a lasting impact on your audience.


At the end of the day remember that simplicity in video editing can truly set your content apart. By focusing on storytelling, pacing, and continuous improvement, you can captivate your audience and create videos that resonate.